Rev. Noah Carter, Chair
Pastor, Holy Cross Catholic Church
Marylou Rice, Vice-Chair
Pediatric Speech Pathologist
Jim Milanese, Treasurer
UNC Greensboro, Lecturer, Dept. of Accounting and Finance, CFO of PDR
Jennifer McGowan, Secretary
Customer Care Quality Assurance Lead
Claire Benitez, Customer Support Representative for Ascension Press, former employee of RATI
Robert Griffin, Sales/Marketing, Retired Lawyer
Paul Kotlowski, Director of Youth Ministry – Diocese of Charlotte
Portia Lakey, Special Education Teacher, WSFCS
Julian McClamroch, Retired
Elaine McHale, Retired Nurse
Kislyn Thomas, BSW, LPN, former employee and client of RATI
“Serving on the board is an opportunity to serve the faith and secular communities. When our faith community professes to respect life, service as a board member is an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment by the sharing of our time, talent, and treasure.”
– Christine Cugliari
“Since childhood, I have tried to involve myself in as much work as possible that provides an alternative for mothers to choose life. With Room At The Inn, I am thoroughly concerned with effecting change in the life of each individual involved in the program through the administrative choices we make.”
– Father Noah Carter