In order to run the wonderful programs at Room At The Inn, we must have money. We are so grateful to have such a loyal and generous group of supporters. In order to not have to rely on the same people year after year, we must hold events that draw new donors to support our cause.
We hold a few fundraising events each year. The Rose Gala is held in late springtime and the banquet is held in the fall. Here are a few ways to help fundraise by volunteering:
1. mailings that need to be stuffed and stamped
2. adult volunteers to help out at the annual golf tournament
3. adult volunteers to help out at the spring rose gala
4. adult volunteers to help out at the fall banquet
Please call our office to get on our volunteer list.
Some people choose to do their own fundraising events. For example, organizing the youth group at their church to do a car wash to raise money for Room At The Inn. This helps us gain support from people who would otherwise not attend our regular events. We are always happy to get help with these types of opportunities as well!