Frequently Asked Questions

August 29, 2023

1) What are the four major challenges for single mothers and their children?

There are four key challenges faced by single mothers looking to transition to new lives of healthy, hope-filled independence. For women facing these challenges alone or with limited familial/community support, these four concerns may present seemingly insurmountable barriers to success:

• homelessness,

• lack of marketable job skills,

• lack of reliable childcare,

• and lack of reliable transportation.

A failure to meet even one of these challenges often results in the total collapse of the support system for these young families. For example, the loss of a job would cut off the income stream. The loss of income would endanger funds for childcare, making it difficult or impossible to hold a job. In addition, the loss of income would mean the loss of rental housing and funding for reliable transportation. Seen another way, the sudden loss of reliable childcare would endanger the stability of a job, which would then create a financial crisis for housing and reliable transportation. The interconnected web between these four challenges is immutable and unbreakable.

2) What has been done to address these challenges by Room At The Inn?

For over two decades, Room At The Inn has provided shelter and services for pregnant women and single mothers with children experiencing homelessness. Through the Nussbaum Maternity Home, Amy’s House, and the Backyard Ministry, Room At The Inn has a history of achieving superior outcomes while delivering quality services.

Since our doors opened, Room At The Inn has addressed these needs for our pregnant women and single mothers who entered and/or graduated our residential programs. Our support services programs quickly grew to include Saint Joseph’s Housing (housing for single mothers); Fourth Trimester Services; our Parenting, Life Skills, and Job Readiness programs; childcare services; our Alumni Services program; counseling services; and our homeless prevention/outreach programs.

3) What will the Promise Center accomplish?

With more and more women becoming single parents, we are now seeking to build an expanded infrastructure of support to include single mothers who may never have been through our residential programs. Furthermore, we will expand our direct services into the Greater Triad area and twelve surrounding rural counties and serve as a referral network for the entire state of North Carolina.

In order to be capable of offering these much-needed services and opportunities, we will be building a beautiful new campus in Kernersville, currently named The Room At The Inn Promise Center. This will allow us to provide personalized, comprehensive services tailored

for each mother’s individual needs. For details on this first phase of the Promise Center, please review our brochure and details on our website at Partners On The Journey

4) Aren’t there other agencies that already offer each of these services?

While other agencies in the state offer many of these services, there is no agency that offers such a comprehensive, integrated program for its clients as Room At The Inn can offer.

5) Why not use an existing building/buildings rather than building a new campus?

During the early phases of planning, the leadership of Room At The Inn considered alternative solutions, including renovation of existing abandoned properties as well as leasing commercial property. It became apparent that in the long run neither renovation nor leasing provided a cost-effective, long-term solution for Room At The Inn.

6) What is the financial goal?

Room At The Inn is seeking $ 9.3 million in additional support for the first phase of the Promise Center. This is the first time Room At The Inn has requested help of this magnitude.

7) Why is the cost so much higher than building a residential home or homes?

Room At The Inn’s certification with HUD and COC mandate commercial standards for our facilities. Building to their standards is more costly than building a comparable family residence.

5) What is the timeline for this Campaign?

The initial quiet phase of the campaign began in the Spring of 2023. A public phase will be rolled out in the Fall of 2023. The Campaign will conclude in the Spring/Summer of 2024.

6) Who will be asked to participate?

Current supporters of Room At The Inn living in the Triad and throughout the United States will be asked to participate. Support from many new donors throughout the Triad is also needed to make the Promise Center a reality.

7) How long will donors have to fulfill their pledges?

Donors will be asked to consider a three-year pledge to the campaign. This may enable benefactors to consider a larger gift that can be funded over a period of time while giving Room At The Inn the assurance of support for the project and allow them to begin construction. Your pledge can be funded in a variety of ways. Details are provided in the Ways of Giving document.

8) When will building begin?

The building of the Promise Center itself cannot begin until the campaign financial objectives are met.

9) Who is responsible for the administration of the Campaign?

Senior Administration and the Board for Room At The Inn have formed a Campaign Cabinet to lead the Campaign. Together, these three entities are responsible for the administration and leadership of the campaign.

10) Why did Room At The Inn and the Board hire an outside consulting firm?

The Senior Administration and Board wanted a campaign of this scope and duration to be conducted with the guidance and expertise of professional counsel. Room At The Inn does not have the internal staff resources necessary to manage and support this effort.

11) Is this the right time for a Campaign of this magnitude?

Considering the urgent need and the results of the planning study research, the current supporters and friends have a deep understanding of the needs and favor a campaign to provide a new campus. They are committed to supporting this effort with their time, their talent, and their treasure.

12) How can I make a gift to support the campaign for Room At The Inn?

First, prayerfully reflect on making a three-year pledge to this campaign. You will have the

flexibility to fulfill your commitment on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. Additional information will be available in our Ways to Give sheet.

13) Is my pledge legally binding?

A pledge is a moral rather than a legal obligation. In order to fund the priorities outlined and because Room At The Inn will rely on the good-faith pledges of its supporters in making its plans for the Promise Center, it is hoped that you would continue payments on your pledge.

14) Is my contribution tax-deductible?

Yes. All contributions are tax-deductible in accordance with federal law. You will receive appropriate substantiation for your contribution. Please consult with your personal tax advisor if you have more detailed questions.

15) How can I learn more about the campaign?

All questions regarding the campaign should be directed to Howard Craig at or Marianne Donadio at